Getting between venues
Each day will start at the Beehive (Banquet Hall) where you will enjoy the keynote presentations and morning tea. Delegates will move to the VUW Pipitea Campus for break-out sessions, lunch and afternoon tea. Please allow 5 minutes to walk between the to locations.
There is no parking on the Parliamentary grounds. Metered parking is available for up to two hours on Molesworth Street and on the side streets around the Parliamentary grounds. With the bus station immediately adjacent and parking limited due to the venue’s central location we do encourage you to use public transport to reach this event.
Pipitea Campus
Please click here to view the map of the Rutherford House (RH) and Government Buildings Law Faculty Buildings (GBL). These buildings are where the afternoon sessions will be located. There will be conference assistants from VUW to help guide delegates to the session locations.

Morning sessions will be held in the Beehive and afternoon sessions in VUW's Rutherford House and Government Buildings.
Conference Venues

Victoria University of Wellington
– Pipitea Campus (Rutherford House & Government Buildings Law Faculty)
33 Bunny Street, Pipitea, Wellington 6011

New Zealand Parliament Buildings
(Banquet Hall inside Beehive)
Parliament Buildings, Molesworth Street, Wellington 6160