Abstract submission is now closed.

The 11PCEE organising team invites researchers and professionals to present state-of-the-art papers on the science and practice of earthquake engineering, with a particular focus on "turning hazard awareness into risk mitigation". They are particularly interested in those developing long-term visions and strategies for this and to encourage the young professionals who will be leading the engineering community to this goal in the coming decades.

Paper topics need to be related to earthquake engineering but preference will be given to topics that complement the theme by providing new insights into:

  • Improving understanding of the nature and impacts of seismic hazards
  • Communicating seismic risk and mitigation strategies
  • Tsunami and their potential effects on the built environment
  • Understanding social impacts and improving social resilience
  • Innovative geotechnical and structural design and mitigation
  • Case studies and research supporting mitigation by retrofitting
  • Engineering assessments for general purposes and potentially earthquake-prone buildings
  • Introducing resilience that is beyond just life-safety and amenity
  • Improving resilience of lifelines and infrastructure
  • Better building management in emergencies.

Please take note of your important deadlines below:

  • Abstract Submission Deadline:

    Monday, 8 October 2018 - 9am

  • Notification of Acceptance:

    Friday, 2 November 2018

  • Full Paper Deadline:

    Friday, 1 February 2019

  • Early Registration Deadline:

    Friday, 22 February 2019

  • Conference Opens:

    Thursday, 4 April 2019
