Virtual Registrations

Can’t attend this year? NZGS wishes you could join us in person at the 2021 Symposium but appreciates that your circumstances may have been affected by COVID. So, for this year’s Symposium a selected virtual option has been put together to give you access to a portion of each day’s programme. Courtesy of Sponsor Rocscience,…

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Train Ride

Join us on a World Class Train Trips! Plan your trip to include a fun train ride! On Wednesday 24th March, you can catch the train from Dunedin at 3pm and enjoy a trip to Hindon Station and back again. This train will be picking up those on the field study so it will be a…

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Dr Alexei Murashev

Technical Director Geotechnics & Tunnels – WSP Dr Alexei Murashev is WSP Technical Director Geotechnics & Tunnels. He has been involved in infrastructure projects across Transport, Building, Water and Power sectors in New Zealand, Australia, Europe and Asia and has more than 30 years of international experience in geotechnical engineering for roads, bridges, tunnels, railways,…

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Stuart Palmer

Technical Director – Tonkin + Taylor Stuart Palmer is a Technical Director-Earthquake Foundation Engineering with Tonkin+Taylor. Stuart is actively involved in the seismic design and assessment of buildings in collaboration with structural engineers. He was a lead author of the MBIE national guidance on “Seismic assessment of existing buildings”, section C4 “Geotechnical considerations”. He is…

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Robert Sharon

Robert Sharon has over 35 years consulting and industry experience in mining geomechanics, following a brief interval as a welder-mechanic.  He has degrees in geology and geological engineering from the University of Utah.  He worked for several Utah and Colorado based consulting firms in the 1980s, primarily on projects in the open pit and underground…

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