Call for Papers

The call is now closed and it is time for presenters to prepare their presentations. Please see more information below to assist you with planning to present.

Click here to download the Symposium graphic for inclusion in your ePoster (.jpg).

Click here to download the Symposium graphic for inclusion in a slide presentation.

Take note of these key dates:


  • Submissions open:

    July 2019

  • Submissions close:

    Extended to 1 November 2019

  • Authors notification:

    Extended 6 December 2019


  • Submissions open:

    2 December 2019

  • Submissions close:

    15 May  2020 (extended) 

  • Authors notification:

    End of June 2020


  • Registration opens:

    February 2020

  • EXTENDED Early-bird deadline:

    19 February 2021

  • NEW Conference dates:

    24-26 March 2021

The 21st National Symposium of the New Zealand Geotechnical Society will now be taking place in March 2021.


Talks: 10-minute presentation + 2 minutes for questions.  Your session will have a chair and audio-visual support.

Presenters are asked to upload your final presentation here the day before your session. Please name your file with your last name and session name/time. For backup please also bring your presentation on a USB stick.

Projector format is 16x9 (widescreen). Each room at the venue will have a data projector, laptop, screen, sound system along with internet. Please plan to present using this equipment. If you wish to plug in your own device, please advise us in advance.

Please also provide a recording of your presentation (use the same upload link) by 26 February. In the event of a disruption due to COVID the committee requires these to enable NZGS to adapt and meet the needs of its members.


We ask you to bring along a physical poster (up to A0 portrait or landscape) which will be on display throughout the entire Symposium. We will ask poster presenters to stand with their poster at designated times so that people can converse with you about your paper.

Velcro dots and pins will be provided. Please bring your poster to the registration desk on arrival at the Symposium venue.

ePOster (Updated 20 Aug): 

We do have a few people based outside of New Zealand that we recognise are unable to attend in person. In appreciation of your efforts, we invite you to provide us with your poster in a digital format for display at the Symposium. Upload it here as a scalable (high resolution) jpg or pdf.

Please design your poster in portrait orientation with a widescreen aspect. You are encouraged to use the graphic provided as a footer.

Paper Submission - NOW CLOSED

The symposium aims to provide lively discussions around learnings from our past achievements and failures as well as a focus on new technologies in order to develop “Good Grounds for the Future”.

Symposium theme and subthemes include:

  • Climate change and geotechnics
  • Responding and rebuilding after natural hazards
  • Providing resilient communities
  • New technologies for a changing world
  • Planning for severe events
  • Communicating and managing risk
  • Innovative tools and techniques
  • Best practice in design and construction

Before submission, please have an abstract prepared of no more than 250 words along with a title and authors. You will be asked to paste the title and abstract into fields in the submission form then enter each author and affiliation. You will not be uploading a file.

Abstracts should be submitted by the 15 October 2019 deadline. Acceptance confirmations will advise on presentation length and detail instructions for full papers due by 15 April 2020.

Please note that due to the large number of papers anticipated for the Symposium, papers may be presented (a) orally, (b) as a digital or paper poster, or (c) 5 by 5 short group presentation.

  • All peer-reviewed and accepted papers will be published in the digital symposium proceedings.
  • You will be advised of your allocation of an oral, poster or 5 by 5 presentation once your paper has been submitted and undergone peer review.
  • Publication of your paper in the proceedings will need to be accompanied by at least one registered author.

Please ensure your paper meets all the requirements before submitting.

How to upload your Full Paper (due Wednesday 15 April 2020):

  • Upload link now closed
  • Enter your email address and password
  • Click on the ‘edit’ button that appears below your abstract submission
  • Upload your paper where prompted

Timely submission of your paper by the submission deadline is important as we have limited time for the peer review and to finalise the symposium proceedings.  Your prompt and punctual submission is greatly appreciated.

If you wish to withdraw your submission, please notify the organisers in writing to


Offered by Doug Mason, WSP OPUS © NCTIR, NZTA and KIWIRAIL


Earthquake damage to State Highway 1 is seen south of Kaikoura on November 16, 2016. 
Rescue efforts after a devastating earthquake in New Zealand intensified on November 16 as a fleet of international warships began arriving in the disaster zone. / AFP / Marty MELVILLE        (Photo credit should read MARTY MELVILLE/AFP/Getty Images)

Kindly supplied by BECA

Language of Submission

All abstracts must be submitted in English.

Review and Notification to Authors

All completed submissions will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. You will be informed by email of the acceptance status of your abstract by 29 November 2019 along with details of presentation length and final paper requirements.


All presenters are required to register and pay the symposium registration fee in order to be included in the program and to present. Registration and payment of registration fee by presenters of accepted abstracts must be completed no later than 6 weeks prior to the Symposium.


Accepted abstracts will be published. By submitting an abstract, authors agree to allow NZGS and the 2020 NZGS Symposium committee to publish.


Instructions for presenters will be included in acceptance communications via email from the domain so please ensure you safe list this domain.