Virtual Registrations

Can’t attend this year?

NZGS wishes you could join us in person at the 2021 Symposium but appreciates that your circumstances may have been affected by COVID. So, for this year’s Symposium a selected virtual option has been put together to give you access to a portion of each day’s programme.

Courtesy of Sponsor Rocscience, the virtual keynote recordings will be made available to NZGS members after the event concludes through the NZGS website.

The below options give you live time access to the keynote sessions with live Q&A as well as some special sessions. You can sign up for just one day or both days. As an individual or as a company office.

Those registered will receive access to the event stream a day or two prior to the Symposium.


Day 1 Virtual registration option – Thursday 25 March

9.00 - 9.45: Virtual Keynote: Dr Sissy Nikolaou
"Functional Recovery: Design Utopia or Elective Reality?"
Chaired by Eleni Gkeli

10.45 - 11.45:  Misko Cubrinovski & Mike Stannard
"Update on Finalisation of the MBIE / NZGS Geotechnical Guidelines"
Sponsored by MBIE – Chaired by Ross Roberts

13.26 - 14.08: Virtual Keynote: Prof Ross Boulanger
"Modeling slope instability due to undrained creep in clays and plastic silts"
Introduced by Major Sponsor Ground Investigation (Marco Holtrigter) – Chaired by Philip Robins


Individual – Thursday $100+ GST
Company – Thursday (one office) $500+GST
Company – Thursday (each additional office) $150+GST

Day 2 Virtual registration option – Friday 26 March

8.30 - 9.20:  Day 2 Welcome followed by Virtual Keynote: Dr George Gazetas
"Seismic Performance of Caisson & Multi-Block Gravity Quay-Walls"
Introduced by Major Sponsor Stantec (Ioannis Antonopoulos) – Chaired by Sally Dellow

10.30 - 11.40: Panel Discussion
"Soil / Structure Interaction & Collaboration between Geotechnical
and Structural Engineers"
Sponsored by EQC – Chaired by Ayoub Riman

12.40 - 13.22 Virtual Keynote: Dr Chris Haberfield
"Temporary Support of Deep Basement Excavations in Rock"
Chaired by Martin Larisch


Individual – Friday $100+ GST
Company – Friday (one office) $500+GST
Company – Friday (each additional office) $150+GST



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