Mike Kerr

Michael is currently the Chief Engineer for MBIE supporting the Building System and Performance team, the team responsible for the NZ Building Code.  He has been a practicing engineer for over 30 years.  Previously he worked for BECA in a number of roles, most recently as Regional Manager for the central region.  In this role…

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Alexei Murashev

Dr Alexei Murashev is a WSP Technical Director-  Geotechnics & Tunnels.  He is an Engineering NZ Fellow with MSc in Structural Engineering and PhD in Geotechnical Engineering. Alexei’s previous roles include an Associate Professor in one of Russia’s leading universities and a technical principal with international consulting companies.  He has been involved in award-winning infrastructure…

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Stuart Palmer

Stuart Palmer is a Technical Director-Earthquake Foundation Engineering with Tonkin+Taylor. Stuart is actively involved in the seismic design and assessment of buildings in collaboration with structural engineers. He was a lead author of the MBIE national guidance on “Seismic assessment of existing buildings”, section C4 “Geotechnical considerations”. He is currently providing input to New Zealand’s…

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