Student Day
This year we have a diverse array of presentations from invasive wasps to bats and from the use of drones in ecology surveying to tree-fern recruitment.
We also have two guest speakers: Toni Love (associate editor of the Māori Law Review) on incorporating Vision Mātauranga into research and liaising with local iwi. Toni is of Te Ᾱtiawa descent and is a graduate of Victoria University of Wellington and; Dr Tom Etherington (Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research) on "What to expect from the peer review process, and how to get involved with reviewing for NZ Journal of Ecology".
What to expect at Student Day
1. Student presentations - presentations by students to students. An award is available for the best student presentation.
2. Guest speaker - How to get your research published and what to expect from the peer review process. Dr Tom Etherington
3. Panel discussion - incorporating Vision Mātauranga in your research, what journal editors want, communicating your science and the different career pathways open to ecology graduates.
Sign up for Student Day is through the conference registration form, if you have registered for the conference and not selected to attend and would like to please email
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Student day contacts
Michael Jackson - Victoria University of Wellington,
Olivia Vergara - Victoria University of Wellington,