Orongorongo Research - FULL
Date: Thursday 29th November
Cost: $60 per person
Meeting place: Victoria University of Wellington, Te Toki a Rata foyer
Start time: 8:30 a.m.
End time: 4:30 p.m.
Duration: 8 hours
Description:We will be transported to the Eastern side of Wellington Harbour and enter the Park at the Catchpool road end. After a gentle 1 hr walk through regenerating and established lower North Island coastal forest, you will get wet feet as we cross the Orongorongo River to the Landcare Research Field Station. There will be a brief presentation on the history of the area and some of the reserach, as well as the ongoing DOC management. After lunch there will be oppourtunities to explore Beech and Hinau Seed fall traps, help with lizard monitoring or removing "eco-trash". We will depart the station around 2 pm, to allow plenty of time for discussions on the walk back to Catchpool.
What to bring: Please bring lunch and a drink with you. Wear sturdy footwear for walking and bring spare socks. Rain, wind and sun protection to allow for changeable weather conditions.