Nature and People in Central Wellington City
Date: Thursday 29th November
Cost: Free
Meeting place: Victoria University of Wellington, Te Toki a Rata foyer
Start time: 1:00 p.m.
Duration: 3 hour walk
Description: On this walking tour we will visit well-known and not so well-known places in the central city including Wellington Botanical Gardens, Wellington waterfront, and some iconic, pocket and hidden city parks. We’ll discuss how well these places provide ecosystem services and meet peoples’ needs. Does the central city support Wellington’s claim to be a biophilic city?
Leaders: Dr Paul Blaschke, School of Environment, Geography and Geological Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington. William Melville, Team Manager, Arboriculture, Wellington City Council.
What to bring: Wear sturdy footwear for walking. Rain, wind or sun protection, or all three, depending on the weather.