Matiu Somes Island Tour


Date: Thursday 29th November

Cost: $30 per person ($25 for ferry + $5 for tour)

Meeting place: East by West ferry depot at Queens Wharf

Start time: 9:30 (for the 10am ferry)

Duration: Approximately 6 hours - Booked on the 3:30 pm return

Description: Situated in the middle of Wellington’s harbour, this rodent-free reserve is a short ferry ride from downtown Wellington. You will have a guided tour amidst native plant and animal life, while tracing the island’s extraordinary history. Māori have occupied this island for generations, as evidenced by its two pā sites. More recently, the island has served as a human and animal quarantine station and a Prisoner of War camp. Now in Māori ownership with Department of Conservation management, this island presents an excellent example of the complexities of conserving culture as well as flora and fauna.

What to bring: Please bring lunch and a drink with you. Wear sturdy footwear for walking.  Rain, wind or sun protection, or all three, depending on the weather.

Matiu Somes Island