Read the full guidelines and instructions below.
Key dates:
UPDATE: Abstract submission has been extended to Sunday 7th October
7 October Submissions due
10 October Presenters advised of acceptance
26 October (Extended) Early-bird & presenter registration deadline
The conference will cover all aspects of ecology. We particularly welcome offers on talks in the following areas:
Mātauranga Māori
Urban ecology
Animal behaviour
Large-scale ecology and land management
Mapping and monitoring
Social science and ecology
Restoration & reconciliation ecology
Freshwater ecology
Ecosystem services
Functional and taxonomic diversity
Disease ecology
Predator-prey interactions
Language of Submission
All abstracts must be submitted in English or accompanied with an English version.
Word Count
Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words.
Review and Notification to Authors
All completed abstracts will be reviewed. You will be informed by email (from of the acceptance status of your abstract by 28, September 2018.
All presenters are required to register and pay the Conference registration fee in order to be included in the program and to present on site. Registration and payment of registration fee by presenters of accepted abstracts must be completed no later than 21, October, 2018.
By submitting an abstract, authors agree to publication in conference proceedings or similar by NZES.
Oral presentations will be included within topical sessions of the official Conference programme.
Posters will be on display throughout the conference and further details will be advised with confirmation email.