Pre-registration for workshops will open Wednesday 24 July, all participants will be sent the sign up form via email. Space is limited for some workshops.
Workshop details subject to change.
Pre-registration for workshops will be available in July. We will let you know via email (from and update the website when this is available.
"Being Māori at this school is hard!" - Implementing Culturally Responsive and Relational pedagogy in white, middle class New Zealand
Helen Kinsey-wightman, Palmerston North Girls' High
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Over the last 3 years we have been working to implement CR&RP in a traditional, high achieving girls' school. Achievement exceeds national averages for our decile and so there is not the moral imperative of low achievement to justify the need for staff to challenge and change their thinking and practice. The majority of our staff are pakeha, middle class and female (I guess that's me too!) They are committed to the school, many have worked here for a long time and they work very hard.
In 2017 in a focus group video Māori students were asked what it was like to be Maori at Girls' High - they said "It is hard...." I will describe leading our journey of responding to student voice and supporting staff to take risks and position themselves as learners in their own classrooms.
I will use the principles of CR&RP (whanaungatanga, kotahitanga, whakapapa, ako, wānanga, kaupapa) to lead an activity for delegates to find examples of these principles in the work going on in their own school. They could then take this activity back to their own staffroom.
Building a positive school climate using the Wellbeing@school toolkit
Cathie Johnson, NZCER
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This is a practical workshop that will employ the five step inquiry cycle of the toolkit to examine when and why the use of the survey would make sense. The Wellbeing@school design looks into the efficacy of the systems and processes you have within your school to see if they are working, to ensure your policy intentions become the students’ reality. Used across Kāhui Ako, or individual schools, it can provide a framework for sharing successful practices, comparative judgements with academic data, and provide stimulus for starting conversations that you know need to be had.
Kylie Valentine, Tauranga Girls' College
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Consider, explore and frame how you might ‘throw away the book” when you welcome your Year 9 cohort in the 2020 year ; a focus on culture, wellbeing and future focused and creative curriculum.
Using the experience of the Tauranga Girls’ College team in 2019, challenge others to consider how they might completely rethink the way they welcome their incoming Year 9 cohort and why this may look different than the way they do things now. What do we say to our incoming akonga when we test them, sit them in rows, fill classrooms with them and production line their learning from day one?
We as kura are challenged to explore how we can build a sense of belonging and connectedness.
The following questions may be asked and explored as a part of the workshop -
What does belonging and connectedness look like?
What are the benefits? For students? For staff?
What are the implications? For students? For staff? For the community?
What is our own “why?”
Where do we start?
What can we learn from others?
Those who attend this workshop leave with “takeaways”; a challenge to explore what is possible in their own kura, a draft starting point from which to explore this, an awareness of Google apps available to use in their own kura and further networking opportunities with those keen to explore in a similar way..
Changing students' lives through redesigning the curriculum
Natalie Maurice, Sharon Moller, and Rachel Parker, Huntly College
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The focus for Huntly College is to create learning environments where all students thrive and develop confidence as learners. One of our overarching beliefs is “It is not if you are bright it is how you are bright”. We are changing our environment so that every student feels the same sense of entitlement and are valued as learners. At Hunty College, the driver for change is the curriculum. The new curriculum design is giving students more access to learning that matters and more choice about learning in an area of interest and passion.
We will run a 'world cafe' exercise throughout our workshop to share participant perspectives, experiences and to create new learning around the why, what and consequences of current and new curriculum design
Creating and Editing a Wellbeing Narrative
Marcelle Calitz, Nga Tawa Diocesan School
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This workshop will explore how The Method of Shared Concern and Mindfulness can be used to develop skills to enhance relational wellbeing in community. The Method of Shared Concern is highly effective in finding ways to re-script the roles that students play. This then helps to change perceptions other have of them as well as their own narratives. We shall look at mindful strategies that can be used by students to change unhelpful default responses and replace it with more helpful responses in situations that in the past have triggered negative behaviour.
In Term 1 of 2018, ERO reviewers collected information for a national report on bullying prevention and response. Nga Tawa Diocesan School was identified a school with a strength in bullying prevention and response strategies. ERO was particularly impressed with the ways in which how students’ perspectives are sought, analysed to inform decision-making and improvement. This process has informed the ways in which we have adapted the Method of Shared Concern and Mindfulness to complement our Restorative Practices.
For brief overview and appraisal of The Method of Shared Concern:
Cross-curricula analysis and application of NZCER subject assessments – PAT, STAR, STwE
Cathie Johnson, NZCER
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Gain a rich understanding of how these assessments work whether your Year 9/10 students are at Level 5 or Level 2 or 3 of the curriculum. There are many different ways for using the same data for school improvement. Bring along your area of improvement and NZCER will help you find a way to use the data you gather constructively.
Culturally responsive and relational leadership: where to now?
Rachel Hamlin, Papatoetoe High School , South Auckland Raising Maori Achievement Collective (SARMAC)
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Culturally responsive and relational pedagogy is one of the buzz phrases of the moment in education. But what does it mean for school leaders within the new PLD environment? This workshop will provide participants the opportunity to connect the CR&RP policies from a school leadership perspective, (eg ERO, Our Code Our Standards, Ka Hikitea, The Leadership Strategy for the teaching profession of Aotearoa etc.) to internal school processes and practices. Using Papatoetoe High School and SARMAC as case studies, this workshop will allow participants to consider the role of leaders in determining the direction of CR&RP development within their own schools, and how this self-determination fits within the new PLD environment.
This workshop will have an hands on interactive activity which provides participants the opportunity to connect CR&RP policies (eg. ERO, Our Code Our Standards, Ka Hikitea, The Leadership strategy for the teaching profession of Aotearoa etc) to internal processes and practices.
Digital Readiness, are you ready?
Catherine Johnson & Janelle Riki-Waaka, Kia Takatū ā-Matihiko / Digital Readiness Programme
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An introduction to Kia Takatū ā-Matihiko, the National Digital Readiness Programme. A national PLD programme supporting teachers/kaiako, leaders/tumuaki, to be ready to implement the revisions to Technology and Hangarau learning areas into local curricula in 2020.
Teachers/kaiako, leaders/tumuaki will have an understanding of this PLD programme, and what is required of their role in this mahi to bring the digital technologies and hanagrau matihiko into their classrooms.
Participants will;
• register and gain access to the resources in Kia Takatū ā-Matihiko
• explore and become familiar with the leaders/tumuaki resources in pīkau | toolkits, and virtual and face to face meetups
• go through the Self Review Tool Te Tokorima-a-Mahuika
• Have an opportunity to pose questions to the presenters and participants
• Discuss, collaborate, and build their digital technologies | hangarau matihiko networks in Ngā Kiriahi | online community
Embracing the new Digital Technology/Hungarau Matihiko content by delivering it with 123Tech
Joy Keene, Deputy CE, IT Professionals NZ
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To assist Digital Technology Teachers delivering the new Digital Technologies and Hungarau Matahiko curriculum content, 123Tech in partnership with industry, provides a supported and well-resourced programme that aligns with the new progress outcomes.
The challenge sees students, working in teams of 3-4 peers, identify a problem in their local school, kura or community and create a solution using digital technologies. The students work is then celebrated at both a regional and national level. The challenge is available in both Te Reo Maori and English.
This workshop will take you through the free 12 week programme, touching on the key actives that students undertake as part of the challenge and provides an insight to the resources provided in the challenge along with practical steps to implement the challenge in the classroom. We will also examine the students already taking part and projects that have already come out of the challenge.
123Tech is a programme that is suitable for students and teachers at all levels of experience with practical digital technology skills.
Financial Capability and Wellbeing
Julie Mills, CORE Education
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Financial citizenship – preparing young New Zealanders with the knowledge and skills to ensure they make informed choices about money to improve wellbeing and ensure that life opportunities are available to them.
The digital cross-curricular teaching and learning packages support the vision and values of the National Curriculum by providing context for students to become:
• informed decision makers
• financially literate and numerate = capability
• enterprising and entrepreneurial
• contributors to the wellbeing of New Zealand.
Topics to be covered:
Why should leaders implement Sorted in Schools and financial capability in their schools?
Student-voice: why does financial capability matter?
What is unique about the Sorted in Schools’ financial capability programme?
How do I find the time to teach financial capability without it being an add on?
A walk through to spotlight some of the online planning, assessment and resources available to yr 9/10 students.
Julie Mills is an educational consultant in learning and teaching, with more than 20 years’ of experience. Working in schools throughout New Zealand, her focus is on raising student achievement. With a deep understanding of curriculum, achievement and assessment practices, she writes educational resources for both the public and private sectors. Julie has an extensive background in teaching at all primary and intermediate levels and has also held senior management positions.
Getting the most out of a 10 minute Teacher you really know what you have seen?!
Margaret Ross, Ross Communication Consultants Ltd
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The quality of good mentoring is only as good as the mentors observations skills. What behaviour have you observed? What does this behaviour mean in terms of learning outcomes? This workshop is an introduction of how to read behaviour through the observation process and use this knowledge to predict what this will mean in terms of learning outcomes.
Going to the Dark Side – From Educational to Commercial Leadership (and back?)
Tony Gilbert, New Era/Arinui Limited
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This workshop explore some of the pros, cons and reality of moving from a senior leadership role in a secondary school to working in a commercial business from someone who has done it. It will explore the differences, strengths and weaknesses between commercial and educational organisations, and will discuss some learnings from business that may be useful to apply in a school context.
This would be of interest to those school leaders who may like to explore alternative pathways to the traditional, and what lessons can be learnt from both sectors.
Haeata’s Wellbeing Story ‑ A New Dawn
Janine Brown and Rebecca Wilson, Haeata Community Campus
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What our wellbeing provision looks like today is nothing like what was in place in 2017 when Haeata Community Campus, Years 1‑13, Decile 1 school opened with a roll of 950 students. The journey to date consists of: 2017 ‑ Pastoral Care focus; 2018 ‑ Wellbeing and Pastoral Care and for 2019 shifting to Positive Education, Wellbeing and Pastoral Care .
Our story starts with Haeata’s vision ‑ Learning and Wellbeing to be equal! A blank canvas to work with. When we opened in February 2017 I had the privilege of designing a Hauora team that was unlike others. The provision was formed based on the needs, aspirations and voice of the community. Throughout 2017, the Hauora provision continued to evolve in response to the health
and wellbeing needs including a high level of complexity. During 2018 we established a proactive caseworking model.
We recently spent a week looking at Australian schools who have come through the other side of this journey, exploring how they contextualised the teaching of wellbeing throughout their daily
practice instead of looking a ‘drag and drop’ type model.
Our learnings have lay the foundation for 2019 where we are moving towards a focus on pastoral care and wellbeing embedding it within our learning spaces and practices. We are putting our
systems through critique to contextualise and create practice that support ākonga and Kaimahi wellbeing. ‘Our thinking to not throw in a programme but humanise our approaches and practice.’
Throughout our journey there has been significant learnings, personally and professionally. Moving forward it is about our ākonga and their voice in the wellbeing space.
How to Become the Eighth Wonder of the World
John Peachey, The Think Farm
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This workshop frames how you can create long-lasting high-value reputations that impact your leadership practice and give access to deep well-being, release creativity and explore game-changing innovation in education.
There are key questions that most leaders never ask themselves that are vital to the success at all levels of leadership. We pose the key ideologies that leaders must face when planning their caree. We present a unique model that will revolutionise you, your teams and the outcomes you desire.
Leadership is a profession. The inattention to providing the professional development around building leaders skills sets is a disaster waiting to happen. Our research and practice answers the question, How to good people become bad leaders?.
Implementing Mentoring and Coaching
Amira Aman, CORE Education
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Coaching isn’t a new focus in schools. However, over the last year there has been an upsurge in interest in whole schools and Kāhui Ako (students, teachers, leadership and in some cases parents and the wider community), creating a ‘culture of coaching’. What is fundamentally different in a culture of coaching is that all members of the school community see themselves as coaches who support the learning of each other.
Wondering why it might be worth doing and where to begin? This seminar will cover the key reasons why coaching and mentoring is so beneficial in teaching and learning, and how developing a system can support this.
Innovating through Professional Inquiry
Cristina Casey and Miranda Makin, Albany Senior High School
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The world is changing fast! As George Bernard Shaw said “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” Progressing innovations in schools relies on a teacher’s willingness to consider new, novel ways to approach teaching and learning. Professional inquiry provides a framework for teachers to test their thinking about how they might teach effectively in such unfamiliar situations. In this workshop, Miranda and Cristina will share how professional inquiry was used to grow effective practices in two innovative curriculum strands, Impact projects and Tutorials.
Attendees will be invited to:
• Define the desired change in teaching and learning the innovation is expected to promote
• Plan how to engage student voice to understand the impact of changing practice
• Use a real case and undertake a mini inquiry and engage in the process of transforming practice.
Ka ngau ki te turikakao te paringa o te tai, e tika te rere o te kuaka - The spinifex wanders along the beach like the incoming tide, the kuaka flys direct. Place, Culture and Achievement through Active Pedagogies
Jane Townsend, Nayland College
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This presentation will include case studies, student voice, sign-posts and tools for teachers who are considering implementing a culturally and place responsive approach through active pedagogies.
Keep your students safe online on any device at school, home and everywhere in-between, and enable teachers with classroom tools
David Dunstan, Family Zone
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Come along to this workshop to see how Family Zone tools can protect your students at school on their Smartphones, laptops, tablets when that are NOT on the school wifi - i.e. on 4/5G mobile data or hot spotting to their smartphone. While giving parents the ability to set their own boundaries outside of school hours.
In school, Family Zone Classroom empowers your teachers to minimise distractions in the classroom giving them the ability to set their own boundaries and educate students to be great digital citizens.
Leading from the back: Digital Technologies/Hangarau Matihiko and designing local curriculum
Amy Chakif, Evaluation Associates
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In this workshop we will explore how your local curriculum review might be designed through the learning areas – leading curriculum innovation from the back end of NZC. We will be inspired by the essence statements for Technology, Social Studies and Science and will take a helicopter view of Digital Technologies - Hangarau Matihiko. You will also leave this workshop knowing what the expectations are for implementing Digital Technologies/Hangarau Matihiko and how these might connect with the digital literacy expectations across the curriculum. Most importantly, you will leave this workshop excited to use what we have covered together to revitalise and innovate your local curriculum.
This workshop will use a variety of collaborative strategies for interactive learning – including using digital tools like padlet and google, and paper based activities.
Participants will need to bring a WiFi enabled digital device.
Leading in new ways
Pip Woodward, Otumoetai College
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Schools are learning places, tasked with providing rich, meaningful and diverse learning experiences for all of their learners. Educational leaders are facing increasing challenges and demands to become more responsive to the fast changing world in which we live and work. With the increasing complexity and unpredictability that surrounds us, as educators we need to respond in new ways to address the inequity and increasing disparity that exists for our learners.
The traditional model of schooling that aimed to equip learners with the skills and knowledge to live in a predictable world are no longer fit for purpose, placing new demands on educators. As leaders we need to consider how we are leading change and building the capability and capacity of ourselves, and others to cope with the increasing complexity and demands of education today. This requires us to critically reflect on how we create the conditions and learning experiences for our colleagues with the ultimate aim to improve the quality of teaching and learning in our schools.
We need to consider how we can bring about deep and sustainable change in our practice that creates transformational shifts in our learning and leading. This will require us to rethink about what we pay close attention to, and how we shape our schools as authentic learning communities.
The aim of this workshop is provide new insights in leading and consider how a developmental approach to leading and learning can bring about more meaningful and sustainable change.
Managing a robust online assessment infrastructure
Bevan Jones, Education Perfect
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In this session, James will discuss how and why some schools are continuing to push ahead with various forms of online assessment. He will revisit experiences throughout the journey of working with schools on online assessment and how workflows developed as a result of experimentation and collaboration.
He discovered that some core challenges with online assessment logistics needed to be resolved: security, moderation, marking workflow and student access.
Through the lens of a number of case studies, he will explore examples of practice externals, internal assessments and a range of junior applications. School leaders will come away with a practical understanding of how to move forward with digital assessment within their school.
NCEA Assessment: supporting 21st century teaching & learning
Andrea Gray and Angela Jones, NZQA
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We cover two areas of NZQA’s work that contributes to NCEA assessment being engaging and relevant to 21st century learners, schools being well supported to prepare students for digital examinations and teachers well-supported to make assessment judgements for formative and internal assessment. We will outline where NCEA Online is up to and where it is heading and discuss the learning to date about what NZQA and schools are doing to manage digital examinations successfully, including drawing on the experiences of workshop participants. We will also showcase some examples of innovative assessment that we have seen in schools and tell you how our online Transforming Assessment Praxis (TAP) Programme could support a move towards this type of assessment in your school.
NCEA Observational Studies
Barbie Mavor & Liz Clarkson
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As part of the NCEA Review, ERO undertook some work for the Ministry of Education on the use of NCEA as an assessment and qualification tool, and how its use impacted curriculum design, teaching and assessment practices, resourcing and student wellbeing. The research highlights triumphs, innovative practices and challenges as they relate to different types of secondary schools and tertiary education organisations. Vignettes provide a sense of some of innovative practices and some challenges faced, and how schools and TEOs addressed them.
Our Ways of Wellbeing: Becoming a wellbeing school
Jade Eru, Matt Lambert and Jacqui Lucas, Heretaunga College
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Are you interested in becoming a ‘wellbeing school’? Do you want to know where to start and how to develop a wellbeing focus that will support the improved wellbeing of both staff and students?
This workshop will provide you with interactive activities, lots of effective strategies to support the development of wellbeing at your school and key messages around wellbeing as embodied within your school’s strategic plan. We’re three years into our wellbeing journey, and can provide you with resources, support and advice (post-workshop) and tried and true strategies for enhancing wellbeing school-wide.
Paperless EOTC Management and EOTC Health and Safety Responsibilities
Kevin Park, NZworksafe Ltd
John Marshall, Taradale High School
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How to use Technology to aid in the management of Trip Planning
Removing the paper from EOTC trip management
Vetting of EOTC contractors
Tracking of Staff EOTC competencies
Online parental consent process
The presentation will be a digital presentation with group participation exercises to complete.
Say Less, Ask More. Be a Coach.
Di Cavallo, Hobsonville Point Secondary School
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An introduction to Coaching for leadership development. One of the biggest challenges to our middle leaders is dealing with and developing our people. This will be an interactive workshop introduction to the basics of Growth Coaching as one of the most effective ways to grow your skills in developing and empowering others to find solutions. We will learn about coaching techniques and try them out. You will leave with 7 questions that will change the way you lead.
Smarter Cloud Solutions.
Lee Harper & Michael Portman, pcMedia
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Demonstration and discussion around pcMedia’s smarter low-cost Cloud Solutions. Covering areas like Single-sign-on, help with on-boarding users (and ability to link to your Student Management System), automation of processes with tools like workflows and customised PLD plans. Also introducing funding available to support schools on their journey to the cloud.
Student Volunteer Army - Building Resilience And Community In Secondary Schools
Sam Johnson, Student Volunteer Army
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The SVA Foundation has developed a SVA secondary school programme which aims to further grow the volunteer culture established in younger students through the SVA primary school programme. The SVA High School Service Award enables and deepens high school volunteering activity. Through critical reflection and cooperation students track their service and understand their role as volunteers. Our programme is designed to make an immediate positive impact on the physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing of students; teachers’ understanding and ability to engage students in their community; and connections between community, environments and whanau.
In 2018, the Third State of the World’s Volunteerism Report provided new evidence on the relationship between volunteering and community resilience. The SVA movement is helping influence the future of volunteering while building social cohesion, resilience and empathy.
Tracking your students with Career Central
Sue Hancock, Career Central
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“Every student should have a personalised career development plan”. But what does a career plan look like in 2019 and beyond?
Young people need to develop the career management competencies required to make informed decisions about pathways that suits their skills and interests. They need to understand the skills required by various occupational clusters, how and where to gain these skills and how portable their skills will be in the future.
Schools have a part to play in providing career education and guidance to all students, in particular students who may be at risk of leaving school unprepared to transition to employment or further education.
In 2012, when I became involved in career education at Matamata College, I was looking for a way to keep track of students interests and intentions. I enlisted the help of then student, Tim Hampton, and Career Central grew from there. Today Career Central is an online career management platform used by more than 100 Secondary Schools nationwide. The programme enables the delivery of personalised career planning and allows for school wide participation in career education. Career Central provides students a platform to research opportunities and store information about themselves and their plans. All student profiles are organised and stored on the staff dashboard so careers advisors and teachers are able to see responses at both an individual and group level to provide resources and guidance where necessary and ensure all students have an appropriate pathway when transitioning from school.
Ben Birks Ang, Odyssey and NZ Drug Foundation
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A whole school approach to student wellbeing with a focus on reducing alcohol harm. Ben Birk-Ang, National Youth Services Adviser at the New Zealand Drug Foundation and Odyssey Auckland, is the programme leader of Tuturu. A charismatic presenter, Ben’s workshop will be a hands-on introduction to the various Tuturu components – the school-wide reflection tool, planning template, and suggested survey questions, professional development video and facilitation guides for school leadership teams, teaching staff and pastoral care staff, modules for Boards of Trustees, and the NCEA assessment resources for English, Geography, Maths and Health Education using alcohol as a context for learning. And Ben will show how it can build on things that are working already in your schools without adding time and pressure to your busy schedule, and how it can be used both individually to help you develop particular aspects of your work, or collectively to support a school-wide approach.