Frequently asked questions

How can I book my accommodation?

We are no longer holding accommodation, if you do require accommodation please contact us at with your required dates and hotel preference and we will check the availability for you.


How can I get from Wellington Airport to The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa  Tongarewa?

You can either catch an uber, taxi or book an airport shuttle. Click here to book an airport shuttle.


How can I register for the workshops?

Workshop registration will become available online in July.


How can I register without using a credit card?

Please send an email to


How far is The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa  Tongarewa from Wellington Airport?

It is a 20 minutes car ride.


Is there a conference app?

Yes, the conference app will have live Q&A functionality for keynote presentations, links to any shared resources, and a place to drop ideas for the Pop Up Workshop sessions. The app details will be sent out Wednesday 31 July.


Is there a conference hashtag for social media?

You can use #GOMAD19 for any social media posts relating to NASDAP 2019.

Make sure you follow the NASDAP Facebook page.


What payment options do you accept?

We accept online payments through credit and debit cards including VISA, Mastercard. We do not accept American Express. 


When will the next NASDAP conference be held?

Winter 2021.


Where can I park?

Parking is available at the Te Papa car park. Bring your parking ticket to be validated at the registration desk. Having a validated parking ticket will reduce the daily charge to $12 with the maximum charge in a 24-hour period being $15.


Who do I contact if I need to make changes to my accommodation?

Please send an email to


My question isn’t answered here. Can you help me?

Email us at and we will be happy to help you with your questions.