View the Speakers

View the Programme

MANZ 2019 was a great success, attendees will be sent their certificates by email on Friday 12th July.

Welcome Montessori Community


"The conference speakers will inspire and rejuvenate your spirit as well as give you concrete examples of things that will help you in your important work with the children in your care. There will be time to reflect on the art of being a Montessori Teacher as well as the aims and ideals that brought us into this amazing field."

Kia ora,

It is my great privilege to invite you to Montessori Aotearoa New Zealand Conference 2019 and to share with you the great lineup of speakers!

Michael Dorer, who was the 6+ speaker for the 2018 conference returns to extend the work he started. He is excited to be returning to New Zealand again.

It has been a while since Amy Kirkham has been to a New Zealand, but every time she comes, she leaves teachers inspired and enthused to go back to their 3-6 classes and put her down to earth and immediately useable words of wisdom into practice.

We are delighted to welcome Alyssa Conklin-Moore as a first time speaker to this conference. She will be working with kaiako who work with 0-3 year olds. For the past 19 years she has been serving children and families, under the age of three, at Hershey Montessori School at the Concord Campus in different ways: offering a Parent-Infant program (2 months- 1 year), running a four-morning Young Child Community (1 year- 3 years), and leading an All-Day Community that operates 10 hours a day, 5 days a week.  

We will also be graced with three speakers from our own waters.

Anaru Kapa, whom some of you have had the privilege of working with on strengthening biculturalism in Montessori.

Michaela Homer is known to many with her work at BestStart, a member of the council and the chairperson of MJ2Ex (Montessori Journey to Excellence) re-working party group. Michela will be speaking on developing emotional intelligence to support leadership.

And Anna Renton-Green who holds an AMI teaching diploma and trained as a Specialist Dyslexia teacher in 2015. Anna will be speaking on teaching for neurodiversity - supporting children with learning differences.

This conference is open to all Montessorians/ non-Montessorians, kaiako, trust members, principals, parents and whānau, to help tamariki develop the skills needed to assist them on their journey to adulthood.

MANZ looks forward to you joining us at Waipuna Hotel and Conference venue for an invigorating and fulfilling weekend.

Cathy Wilson
Executive Officer
Montessori Aotearoa New Zealand (MANZ)

Key Dates

  • Registration opens:

    Early December 

  • Early bird registration closes:

    Monday, 27th May 2019

  • Standard registration rate starts:

    Tuesday, 28th May 2019

  • Accommodation booking deadline

    Wednesday, 5th June 2019

  • Conference begins:

    Saturday, 6th July 2019


Learn more about the MANZ 2019 3 day programme of events


Registration online


Stay up-to-date with important announcements regarding  MANZ 2019