Call for Abstracts has now closed


We are delighted to acknowledge BMJ Journals as the official Journal of the EPICOH 2019 Conference.


In the submission process you will be asked to indicate:

  • Any actual and/or potential conflicts of interest related to this work from the last 3 years or a certification that there is no conflict of interests for any co-authors. When answering this question, you will be required to attach the certification document.
  • Any and all funding sources related to the work. When answering this question, you will be required to list all funding sources.

Abstract Submission

The theme for this conference is “Health and the environment: the need for solutions”, so we welcome abstracts from epidemiologists, occupational exposure scientists, occupational physicians and other occupational health scientists on research that contributes to the reduction of harmful work exposures and associated ill health. The scientific programme will cover all major topics of current epidemiological research on:

  • Occupational exposures (e.g. metals, pesticides, solvents, dust, radiation, stress, heat, precarious employment);
  • Associated health effects (e.g. cancer, neurological and psychological disorders, respiratory and dermal diseases, musculoskeletal diseases and injuries); and
  • Occupational health research methodology (e.g. biomarkers, the exposome, novel exposure assessment techniques, intervention studies in occupational health, gene-environment interactions, systematic reviews and meta-analysis and other statistical techniques).

Abstract Guidelines

  • Abstracts are to be no more than 300 words
  • Use standard abbreviations only. Within the body of the abstract, when using abbreviations spell out the name in full at the first mention and follow with the abbreviation in parenthesis.
  • Abbreviations may be used in the title, provided the name in full is outlined in the body of the abstract.
  • Abstracts must contain sufficient information so that if published it will be a complete report independent of presentation.
  • The abstract should not contain statements alluding to results or conclusions not presented within the text.



The Organising Committee of EPICOH 2019 invites participants interested in organising mini-symposia to submit proposals on topics relevant to the conference theme. Mini-symposia will be one hour and thirty minutes in length, and will typically include short introductory remarks by the organiser(s), a 15 to 20-minute talk by each speaker, with questions/discussion to conclude.

The EPICOH 2019 Scientific Committee will review mini-symposia proposals, according to the following criteria:

  • The topic should be novel, timely, and interesting to a broad range of epidemiology in occupational health researchers.
  • Innovative approaches and analyses are encouraged.
  • The proposed speakers should represent a good balance between established and new investigators, have equitable representation and reflect international diversity.

Proposals are due 15 November 2018 with final decisions made by 10 December 2018.

Please include the following information in your proposal: 

  • Name and affiliation of symposium chair/corresponding organiser.
  • Symposium title and goal. The basic theme or area of the symposium.
  • A list of the proposed speakers and a brief (200 words) summary about the symposium topic.
  • A statement that specifies which of the proposed speakers have agreed to participate if your symposium is accepted.

Submission of Proposals

Submissions have now closed.


Abstract Timeline

Call for Abstracts Open16 August 2018
Abstracts Submission Deadline
Mini-Symposia Deadline
15 November 2018
Notification of Acceptance10 December 2018
Early Bird Registration Closes (authors only)1 February 2019
Conference Commences29 April 2019