To register for the masterclass or workshop, please CLICK HERE.
Grid Connected Solar Masterclass (FULLY BOOKED)
About the Masterclass
Solar power is an example of a renewable energy that will form part of NZ response to decarbonisation and our future energy strategy. The EEA has observed that there has been a noticeable increase in the number of companies planning for the installation of utility-scale solar grid connections schemes.
This Masterclass has been designed to help engineers grow their knowledge on utility-scale solar installation projects. The EEA has lined up presentations from engineering leaders in our industry that have experience and involvement in utitlity-scale solar installations.
When & Where
Date: Monday, 2 August 2021
Time: 1.00pm to 4.30pm
Where: Wellington Museum - Von Kohorn Room (next to the TSB Arena).
Masterclass fees
Note: the Solar Masterclass is limited to 70 participants and isย free to registered Conference delegates. For those not registered for Conference the cost is:
Membersย $300 + GST
Non-Membersย $500 + GST
An invoice will be issued to non conference attendees prior to the masterclass commencement.
**The Solar Masterclass is now fully booked**
Timber Pole Condition Assessment Guide Workshop
About the Workshop
There is an estimated 370,000 timber poles across distribution businesses in New Zealand. 13% of these poles (i.e. 48,000) have been given a health score of H2 or lower, meaning they require either intervention within the next three years to repair material deterioration or replacement for poles that are at end of life condition. The estimated replacement cost to the electricity supply industry is $168m.
Over the last 5 months the EEA has established the Timber Pole Condition Assessment Working Group to develop a practical guide for the assessment to gain a consistent approach across New Zealand. This workshop is brought to you by the working group to provide an overview of the guide and seek feedback on the contents.
When & Where
Date: Monday, 2 August 2021
Time: 1.00pm to 4.00pm
Where: Wellington Museum - Draughtsman's Room (next to the TSB Arena).
Workshop attendance
The Timber Poles Workshop is limited to 40 participants and isย free and limited to registered Conference delegates only.