Dr Lynn Booth
Dr Booth is the Chief of Joint and Operations Analysis Division (JOAD), within Defence Science and Technology Group (DST).
Lynn Booth has a B.A. in Physics and a D.Phil. in Astrophysics from the University of Oxford.
Prior to joining DST Dr Booth worked for five years for the UK Ministry of Defence at the Propellents, Explosives and Rocket Motor Establishment and the Royal Armaments Research and Development Establishment, modelling the properties of rocket exhaust plumes.
She joined DST in 1989 and worked on submarine and anti-submarine warfare operations research. She also spent two years seconded to the Directorate of Naval Warfare at Maritime Headquarters as their first Staff Officer (Science).
Dr Booth has undertaken Science Policy roles considering how Australia’s S&T community might better support Australia’s counter-terrorism community, in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet as Head of the Science, Engineering and Technology Unit coordinating research programs to support whole of government national security requirements, and contributing to the 2009 Defence White Paper through leadership of the Science & Technology Companion Review.
From 2011 she has worked in DST Fishermans Bend as Research Leader – Aerospace Systems Effectiveness in Aerospace Division of DST, leading research teams in human factors, simulation, autonomy and rotary wing sciences.
In April 2017 Dr Booth was appointed Chief of Joint and Operations Analysis Division overseeing research programs in operations research, operations analysis, simulation assisted experimentation, cognitive science, experimental psychology, artificial intelligence and systems engineering.