Sue Pickering
Founder and Director, Develop Ltd
Helping leaders, managers and businesses be the best they can be
After 25 years of executive and senior roles Sue has not long stepped out into her own business specialising in building talent for horticulture. Sue is strongly connnected across the horticulture industry and been a long term champion for developing the industry and its people. She has spearheaded and delivered several groundbreaking initiatives from scratch, including the HortNZ Leadership Programme and Young Grower of the Year. Roles have included Executive Officer for the Kiwifruit Sector (equivalent to today’s NZ Kiwifruit Growers Incorporated), Senior Business Manager and Acting Chief Executive of HortNZ. She is also a Results-certified coach. Sue takes a “big picture” and analytical approach, aims for pragmatic solutions and has a strong focus on the so-called “soft skills”. Key themes throughout her career have been delivering on promise, strong working relationships and mutually beneficial partnership.